Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Reflection on Annie Dillard's Write Till You Drop

Annie Dillard's Write Till You Drop has awakened an urge to write inside me that has been asleep for a long time. Though I love the art of writing and the beauty of the English language I rarely take the time to sit down and write anything, simply because I do not think that I have much to say. I know that their are things inside of my head that I wish to display to the world through writing but I have yet to fish them out. The way Annie described this process of "fishing out your inner thoughts" was perfect, she said that the sensation of writing is like spinning. This metaphor was both poetic and accurate to me because I usually find that when I sit down and try to write it takes me a while to start but once I do I feel like my thoughts keep circulating faster and faster and before I know it I look down to see an abundance of words with an unknown origin. This piece by Annie Dillard has not only excited me for this semester in ENG 380, but also for my personal writing excursions.

1 comment:

  1. I think a lot of people don't like to write because they feel as you do - someone has already said it and has said it better than I could. I hope you realize by the end of the semester that no one can say it quite the same way you do, but you have to bring your experiences to the table and be able to create that voice that starts connecting with your readers.
