Kara Dubay
Rachel Smydra
ENG 380
Extended Definition of Music-ROUGH Draft
Growing up as the daughter of a drummer, music has been a major influence of mine my entire life. In addition to having a drummer as a father, my grandpa was also a drummer, and now my 13 year old brother is one as well. I always thought that music ran through my blood and hoped that one day I could learn to play an instrument or sing a tune. I wasn’t so lucky as to acquire either of these skills, but music has remained a constant interest of mine.
The dictionary definition of the word music states that it is an art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony and color. I find this definition to be true, however the meaning of music should not be limited to only this explanation. Music encompasses much more than simply pleasurable sounds that express an idea or emotion, rather music serves as a universal language that teaches people around the world about the culture from which it originates. Whether it is of the hip hop genre or rhythm and blues, every piece of music in some way represents a specific culture.
The etymology of music traces back to the Greek mousikē which means art of the muses. A muse can be defined in a couple of different ways, either an inspiring goddess or power to an artist or the act of meditating in silence on some subject. Though music definitely doesn’t represent the silent part of the muse definition, there are still clear connections between the definitions of the former word and the meaning of the word we use now. Music serves as a form of meditation for the artist and also comes from an inspiration that the artist may have had, spiritual or not.